Taking a Coffee Break of Sorts

Today I decided to take a social media sabbatical for an undetermined amount of time. It might only be a day or two. Or it might be forever (highly doubtful). There is just too much sadness going on in the world and I can’t control what is coming into my line of sight. Several years ago I made the conscious decision to stop watching the news and reading newspapers (print and online). It made a huge difference in my anxiety level and my mental well being. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and I don’t want to treat it with pills so I treat it with diet, yoga, and careful control of outside stimulus. Lately I’m having trouble keeping my diet clean, my yoga practice regularity has fallen off, and of course, every time I log into my facebook or twitter accounts I see horrible news. Not just national tragedies but friends and local neighbors facing devastating realities. Living in a bubble is an act of self preservation at times.

For the next few weeks I want to focus on Christmas and making cookies and wrapping gifts and listening to Christmas music and staying warm and cozy. Maybe drink some hot toddies (what exactly are hot toddies? I think of them as any hot cocktail-type drink…) And I LOVE the new year! I love a fresh start. Making resolutions and setting goals for the year. I’m training (not very dedicated at this point and that is another issue) for my first half marathon at the end of February, so I REALLY need to focus on that too. I want to do a juice cleanse for the first week or 10 days of January. I want to practice yoga daily. I want to make a vision board. I want to focus on the things I love, rather than wasting hours a day reading about crap on Facebook. So, I deleted the twitter and facebook apps from my phone. I’ll probably still Instagram because I love looking at pictures of food and kitties and pretty faces. And I’ll continue to read my blogs. My lovely, crafty, foodie, creative blogs. I love reading blogs. David called them my ‘shiny happy blogs’. :) I love that. And I also plan to blog here again. But I might not post any pics. Do people read blogs without pictures? I do.

Happy Holidays lovies!

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5 thoughts on “Taking a Coffee Break of Sorts

  1. Kristiina says:

    Can I just say how happy I am to see you blogging again? So happy! I love you girl and I would way rather read something long and introspective from you than a shorty short facebook update even without pics! I totally understand. I was just thinking about this the other day, sometimes, ignorance is mental health.

    January is fitness month for my happiness project so I will be looking to you for inspiration!


  2. Kelly says:

    Wishing you the best!

    I totally agree with you about sometimes needing to regroup in your personal bubble.

    It was good to hear an update from you. And I read blogs without pictures. ^_^

    Hope your New Year brings lots of joy.

  3. […] food. I’m still Instagramming all the time (obsessed might describe it). And I’m still NOT on Facebook- which is seriously awesome. I never miss it. It’s been months and months and months. I was […]

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